May 21, 2008

Final Reflection

Well, after all is said and done, I really truly believed that I was going to learn about physics through this website. Don't get me wrong, I did learn a lot of interesting facts about science in general. I thought that all of the topics we covered were great. I really did enjoy them. None of them were too difficult. However, I still would not be able to tell you how any of the topics were physics-related. Actually, I can't even tell you what the definition of physics is. But I could Google it and find out. That's what I learned.

What I would keep the same? Keep using this website, in moderation.

What I would change? I would, as a teacher, explain how each subject was physics-related, and also teach students how to use the blogger website before starting. I have to say that it was quite difficult to just take on this project with barely any idea of what we were doing. We were all pretty lost at the beginning. And especially when we were having trouble, we were on our own. "Check my blog" was the response I heard to almost every question asked by a student. Also, the rules were changed so much, barely anyone could keep them straight. It made it quite hard to follow along week after week.

In addition, there was barely any supervision during this class period. Students literally could be doing anything on the computer, without anyone ever knowing. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it. It was like a glorified study hall instead of a college-bound physics class. And that's where I see the real problem. This class was supposed to be preparing us for college. With all due respect though, it was the biggest joke of a class to me. And it's not only me that thinks that either. I have heard many times, just in 4th quarter alone, of students saying that they with they would have taken a different class, any class for that matter, because physics was a waste of time. I took this class in hope of learning more into science. It didn't happen.

I think that if, as a class, we did this maybe every two weeks or so, it would have been a great project and experience. Also, if I actually knew how this was physics-related, because I know it has to be somehow, then this project would have been a great way to get out of the classroom.


Haileyrose said...

Rachel, I just want to say that I agree with everything you've posted. Nice.

RachelA said...

me too. clearly that's why i wrote it. anyways, this class was a WASTE. seriously. terrible.